
USB Type-C (JAE DX07 Series) Interface Prospects and Applications

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Specializing in the sales of: Connectors | Wire Harness | Cable Products

Since the formulation of USB Type-C specification standards, Type-C interfaces have been used in electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and game consoles Gradually gain popularity. In addition, it is a product specially used for charging such as power adapters and mobile batteries, and is used to replace USB Type-A and USB that are compatible with previous communication standards USB 2.0. Type-B products, Type-C are gradually being used in more and more products. Japan Avionics Industry (JAE) has launched high-speed transmission based on USB 3.2 Gen 2 x2 (20Gbps) and Thunderbolt3 ™ (40Gbps). The Type-C connector product series for USB 2.0 low-speed transmission and charging widely meets the specifications of various electronic products. In addition, we are currently developing connectors that meet the USB4 ™ standard. As the world's leading connector manufacturer, Japan Avionics Industry (Avionics Industry) has been deeply involved in the formulation of relevant standards from the initial stage, striving to meet the extensive needs of customers and improve the design freedom of equipment and circuit boards.

1: Devices and cable harnesses using USB Type-C interface:

The following is an example of a cable harness for connection between the main devices that are expected to use a USB Type-C connector and these devices. Due to the different transmission standards supported by each device (e.g. USB4, USB 3.2, and USB 2.0), the cable harness will vary between or within each device. You can refer to the following device connection example to choose to use the connector used in the device itself or to connect the wiring harness between devices.

2: Basic specifications of USB Type-C connector socket products:

According to the connection form between the circuit board and the contact terminal, the fitting direction and positional relationship between the circuit board and the connector, we provide the following five specifications. You can choose according to the product itself and the design of the board.

3: Make USB Type-C interface socket series (by center height):

JAE has a variety of receptacle connectors in center heights. Model selection can be made according to product design/functionality, and considering the relationship with other peripheral devices on the same circuit board.

4: USB Type-C interface socket series (according to transmission standard):

Offers a product range suitable for a wide range of transmission standards. Please refer to the following table for examples of transmission standards and applicable equipment when designing your product and selecting connectors.

5: Recommended connector and transmission standards according to equipment type:

Here are the main devices that use USB Type-C connectors and examples of their use. Depending on product design, functionality and performance, the type of connector and transmission standard used will also vary. Below are the different recommended connectors depending on the connector type and transmission standard of the product.

6: USB Type-C interface DX07 product series:


3. Brief description of Shimao Electronic Products Network Company and its products sold:

World Trade Electronic Products Network is a professional, accurate and vertical comprehensive product sales platform for the electronic industry focusing on the supply, demand and sales of connector wiring harness and cable products! Specializing in the production/sales of {Connector Harness Cable Products}; If you want to buy or know which connector harness cable product solutions we can provide, please contact us through the following methods.