
What is the difference between using shielded and unshielded network communication cables in audio and video systems?

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If you don't pay attention, the cable may become the weakest link in the audio and video system. If the wrong cable is used, even the brightest and more advanced audio and video systems can be adversely affected. So, what can be done to get the desired signal in and keep the noise out? Speaking of this, network communication cables are involved, because some categories of cables can help solve problems. Network communication cables are made of twisted pairs. When the cables carry a balanced signal (that is, signals with equal amplitude and opposite phase), the signal generates its own electromagnetic field inside and around the twisted pair. When the signal reaches balance, it will become immune to external noise interference. In order to prevent external electrical interference from hindering signal transmission, shielding layer may be another good method. This method also prevents signals inside the cable from affecting other cables, which will be described in detail later. For noisy environments or sensitive signals (commonly found in audio and video devices), shielded network communication cables may bring certain benefits if they are correctly selected and installed.

Is a shielded cable a better option, or is it a necessary solution? This depends on your own situation, but the equipment manufacturer should answer this question first. The manufacturer shall recommend the appropriate cable type and shall design the system according to the relevant requirements. (This doesn't mean that the customer won't encounter problems. Maybe the customer wants to design a system that supports multiple applications, and wants to embed ideas to meet future needs in the project.)


When shielded cables are used in network communication wiring, it is necessary to understand what a "shielded cable" is. First of all, the cable shielding layer is usually made in the following two ways:

Metal foil layer Metal braided layer

It can be used either way or mixed and matched. Aluminum foil is the most common, and the shielding coverage rate is reached. It is very suitable for transmitting high-frequency signals, but the disadvantage is that it is not flexible. Therefore, metal braided shielded cables are occasionally used in special applications where cables are typically laid in circles. Metal braided shielded cables are made using multiple strands of thin wire braided around a single cable. Because there is a certain spacing between each cable, metal braided shielded cable is only suitable for delivering low-frequency signals. For this reason, metal braided shielded cables are often used in combination with aluminum foil shielded cables.


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World Trade Electronic Products Network is a professional, accurate and vertical comprehensive product sales platform for the electronic industry focusing on the supply, demand and sales of connector wiring harness and cable products! Specializing in the production/sales of {Connector Harness Cable Products}; If you want to buy or know which connector harness cable product solutions we can provide, please contact us through the following methods.