
Why is very fine coaxial cable for high speed applications?

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1. Characteristics and applications of ultra-thin coaxial lines: With the increasing use of high-speed Internet and large-capacity storage devices, we can easily enjoy high-quality images and videos on consumer products such as personal computers, tablets and smart phones. The amount of information that needs to be processed on the device increases dramatically, and the signal speed (transmission standard) in the device is getting faster and faster.

Cables and FPC/FFC are mainly used for jump connections when transmitting signals and power between module boards in equipment. To some extent, the choice of cable or FPC/FFC is determined by signal speed (signal transmission standard) and transmission distance. (The aforementioned coaxial line includes an extremely thin coaxial cable and a dual-core wire)

With the improvement of signal transmission speed in recent years, ultra-thin coaxial wires are more and more widely used in jumper equipment.

2. Signal transmission advantages of ultra-thin coaxial lines: Signal transmission characteristics are affected by several parameters, including impedance, insertion loss, return loss and crosstalk, for example. Here are some of the main reasons why extremely thin coaxial wires are generally considered to have signal transmission advantages when it comes to high-speed signal transmission. Reduce return loss: The center conductor of the extremely thin coaxial line, the insulator and the outer conductor are properly matched, and the performance is stable under specific impedance. Matched and stable impedance produces low return loss. Reduce insertion loss: Compared to FPC/FFC, extremely thin coaxial lines can guarantee a larger center conductor cross-sectional area when matched with specific impedance, thus minimizing insertion loss even more. Improved shielding performance: The outer conductor acts as an electromagnetic shield, so the electrical signal transmitted on the central conductor is less susceptible to electromagnetic waves (electromagnetic noise) from the outside. In addition, the shielding effect of the outer conductor helps reduce crosstalk between signals.

3. Mechanical advantages of ultra-thin coaxial lines: 16 The reason why ultra-thin coaxial lines are usually used is because they have higher flexibility than shielded FPC/FFC and can maintain stable electrical characteristics even when bent.Flexible ultra-thin coaxial lines are suitable for devices with hinges, and cables need to be routed within the devices, such as laptop PC tablet hinges and mobile cameras on drones. With the rise in applications including high-definition cameras and panels, accompanied by faster signal transmission speeds, extremely thin coaxial lines that combine high-speed signal characteristics and mechanical advantages become the solution.

----------------------------------------------------------------------4. About Shimao Electronic Products Network Platform Introduction and Sales Products Brief Description: Shimao Electronic Products Network is a professional, accurate and vertical comprehensive product sales platform for the electronic industry focusing on the supply, demand and sales of connector harness and cable products! Specializing in the production/sales of {Connector Harness Cable Products}; If you have purchasing/purchasing, sales/resource and promotion needs of [Ultra-thin coaxial line ultra-thin coaxial line connector products], please contact us through the following methods.