
How to select board-to-board connectors?

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In recent years, board-to-board connectors are moving towards smaller. The most common board-to-board connector spacing of handheld consumer electronic devices is 0.40 mm and the stack height of 1.00 mm is a small connector. Recently, the connectors being used by major OEMs are as low as 0.70 mm, and sometimes even lower. A few years ago, older micro connectors with width over 4.00 mm were replaced by connectors with width of 3.40 mm. The current concept of "narrow body" board-to-board is typically in the range of 2.40 to 2.60 mm. However, board-to-board connectors are not necessarily as smaller as possible. When purchasing a board-to-board connector, there are several factors to consider in addition to basic issues such as circuit size, stack height, and width:


If a smaller vacuum port pickup area can be accepted, the smaller the connector, the better. However, before choosing a subminiature connector, it is necessary to check that the connector has all the other desired characteristics and carefully test it to ensure that it is strong and durable enough. Choosing a socket for a top-mount connector is necessary because this setup can run and track under the socket, and it may be convenient to use a conformal coating. Some of the disadvantages of top sockets are that the width of the vacuum pickup area tends to be narrow, there is no plastic housing material above the socket terminals to prevent it from rising due to rough disconnection, and the more uneven top surface of the socket may be troublesome for the operator's connection operation. However, in order to achieve the locking function required by these connectors, it may be necessary to withstand additional connector length; Greater breaking strength often means greater bonding strength, which can cause problems for larger-sized circuits.

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