
What problems are encountered during the processing of wire harness materials?

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The time division of wire harness material processing is divided into several processes. When processing wire harness material, you need to pay attention to some matters, otherwise it may lead to quality problems of wire harness materials. So what kind of problems will appear during the general time division of wire harness material processing? Woolen cloth? 1. The sequence of threading the rubber shell is disordered. The number of holes in the rubber shell ranges from three to four to more than ten or twenty. Workers keep working for a long time in the process of threading the rubber shell, and the number of holes is large. It is very simple. I accidentally inserted the thread in the wrong order, but the thread that was supposed to be inserted into this hole was inserted into the hole next to it. 2. Poor wire cutting. During the wire cutting process, the cuts are often irregular and the copper wire is damaged. In this regard, we should adjust the cutter value of wires of different specifications accordingly before starting the machine, and there should be an appropriate amount before mass production. Test machine products. 3. In the process of terminal punching (end voltage), it is generally due to the inappropriate orientation of the terminal punching, the terminal is not completely covered with the copper wire, the terminal is over-wrapped, resulting in the outer skin being broken, etc. These defects are generally presented in manual terminal punching. During the operation, if you use an automatic machine to punch the terminal, you only need to adjust the machine, and the probability of appearance is small.


The wiring harness provides the whole service equipment for a certain load source group, such as trunk lines, AC devices, control systems, etc. The basic research content of traffic theory is to study the relationship among traffic volume, call loss and harness capacity, so harness is an important basic concept in traffic theory. In modern cars, the electronic control system is closely related to the wiring harness. Someone once made an image: a microcomputer is equivalent to the human brain, a sensor is equivalent to a sensory organ, and an actuator is equivalent to a motor tube, so the wiring harness is a nerve and blood vessel. Car wiring harnesses are divided into two types in terms of function: power lines that carry power for driving actuators (actuators) and signal lines that transmit input commands from sensors. The power line is a thick wire that carries a large current, while the signal line is a thin wire that does not carry electric power (optical fiber communication). The cross-sectional areas of wires used in motors and actuators are 0.85 and 1.25 mm2, while the cross-sectional areas of wires used in power circuits are 2, 3 and 5mm2; Special circuits (starter, alternator, engine ground wire, etc.) have different specifications of 8, 10, 15 and 20mm2. In addition to the electrical function, the selection of wires is also constrained by the physical function when mounted in the vehicle. For example, the electrical wires between the re-opening/closing doors and across the vehicle body of a rental car should be constructed of conductors with good flexibility. In recent years, the number of electromagnetic shielding wires used in micro-signal circuits has also been increasing. The quality of wiring harness materials directly affects the quality of wiring harness, and the choice of wiring harness materials is related to the quality and service life of wiring harness. I would like to remind everyone that when choosing wire harness products, you must not be greedy for cheap wire harness products. Cheap wire harness products may use inferior wire harness materials. How to distinguish the quality of wiring harness? Once you know the material of the wiring harness, you will understand it. The following are the materials of wiring harness selection.

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