
How is the development of heavy-duty connectors in the domestic and international markets?

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The performance of various manufacturers in different application fields is also different. The overall market capacity of the machinery field is large, and most enterprises have performed in this field. However, due to the obvious market competition in the machinery field, customers are scattered. In the electric power field and rail transit field, the choice of brands is relatively obvious, and the choice of manufacturers is relatively concentrated. The survey results show that because the main customer groups of HDC are in fields that are not very sensitive to HDC prices, such as electric power, rail transit, machinery, etc., foreign enterprises with brand advantages have always maintained a steady development trend, and almost reached a monopoly position in some market segments. In 2010, the top five companies in HDC sales in the electric power sector accounted for 60% of the sales of the entire electric power industry, while only the top three companies in the rail transit field accounted for 70% of the total sales in this field. Among them, Harding's market share of HDC in the mainland rail transit field is as high as 42%, while many manufacturers only account for a small market share in these fields.


At present, the competition in the heavy-duty connector market is increasingly intensifying. The demand for HDC products in mainland China is increasing day by day, and the demand has increased on a large scale in recent years. In 2010, many HDC manufacturers appeared in mainland China, and foreign HDC manufacturers also chose this time to enter the mainland market. Many enterprises are constantly expanding their investment in the mainland market and expanding their production capacity. Almost all foreign brand enterprises are increasing their efforts to enter the mainland HDC market. With the intensification of competition in HDC industry, price has become one of the important factors affecting market competition. 67% of manufacturers have not adjusted their prices in the past year, and 27% of enterprises have raised their prices at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2012. The common reason for price adjustments is mainly the increase of raw materials, and the increase of personnel costs is also one of the reasons for price adjustments for a small number of enterprises. The price adjustment range is mostly within 7%; Among them, 6% of enterprises slightly lowered their prices due to competitive considerations. Although the prices of raw materials such as copper continue to rise, the prices of HDC products have been relatively stable and even have a downward trend. Moreover, domestic brands focusing on high-end products and foreign brands focusing on low-end products have appeared, and the competition at different product levels will become more intense. At the same time, in terms of the price performance of HDC products, the prices of foreign brands are significantly higher than those of domestic brands with similar specifications. The price levels of different manufacturers with similar specifications vary greatly, and the price difference of some products is nearly 5 times. Under the increasingly fierce market competition, how to ensure the quality and reduce the cost has become the focus of many enterprises' HDC product development. At present, the overall performance and technology of HDC products are relatively mature. For the sake of cost reduction, manufacturers will give more consideration to the use of new materials. According to market needs, HDC design needs to be continuously improved in the future; Because modular products have the characteristics of rich functions and convenient application, the market has not yet been officially launched due to price, marketing and other reasons, but it will be a development direction in the future. New high-end products can better meet the needs of customers in terms of convenience of use, and the relatively high price guarantees the profits of enterprises. Therefore, this kind of products is also favored by enterprises and has become a direction of enterprise product development.

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