
Life expectancy of electronic harnesses

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Specializing in the sales of: Connectors | Wire Harness | Cable Products

Electronic wiring harness is widely used in our daily life and work, from mechanical equipment to electronic accessories, without wiring harness as a carrier, it can not work properly. The quality of the harness can be seen from the service life of the harness. Generally speaking, a good wiring harness can be used until the day when the equipment is scrapped. Of course, the premise is that the wiring harness is used correctly and can not be used illegally or overloaded. Such a high-quality wiring harness is first-class in material selection and wiring harness processing technology. If you want to know how to use a wire harness properly, then listen to it like Harvard Electronics: Factors that Affect the Life of a Wire Harness! 1. Poor quality of raw materials: raw materials directly related to the quality of life of wire harnesses. Cable harnesses are the normal copper output, but not all manufacturers will abide by the rules of the wire processing industry. Some wire harness manufacturers, in order to reduce costs and make more profits, manufacture copper-clad steel, galvanized iron or copper-clad cable harnesses. It can be imagined that the quality of wire harnesses using this material can be imagined. Not to mention longevity. 2. Illegal use: Wiring harnesses of different thicknesses can withstand different currents. If a thin wire harness is used under a large current, it will generate heat because it can not withstand too much current, resulting in the burning of the wire harness or equipment, or even a fire. Therefore, when using the harness, it is necessary to see if it can withstand the corresponding current. 3. Service environment: The service environment of the wiring harness is also a factor affecting the service life of the wiring harness. Outdoor spreaders are certainly not as long as indoor spreaders, such as those used in outdoor advertising light boxes, which are exposed for a long time, and rainwater will greatly shorten the service life of spreaders.


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