
A wire connector is a receptacle with a wire harness and plays an important role.

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The wire connector is a socket connected to the harness. All sensing terminals use dedicated interfaces. The control computer ECU is connected to all external components through the connector on the ECU, and the signal in the harness is also connected through the wire connector. It can be said that in the electronic control vehicle, the control computer ECU is the control center, the harness is the neural network of the control system, and the wire connector is the relay station of the circuit harness. However, in addition to convenient installation and accurate wiring, connectors often fail in use, and the most common failure is the interruption of "network" signal transmission caused by poor contact, which directly affects the normal performance of electronic control vehicles. Open circuit of conductor and connector The open circuit of conductor and connector may be caused by the breakage of conductor in use, poor contact of connector and loosening of connector terminal. Since it is very rare for the conductor to be disconnected in the middle, most of them are disconnected at the connector. Therefore, during the inspection, the conductor at the sensor and the connector should be carefully checked for looseness and poor contact. The open circuit fault of the connector caused by poor contact is often due to the corrosion of the connector end and the entry of external dirt into the terminal or connection socket, resulting in the reduction of contact pressure. At this time, it is only necessary to remove the connector and reinsert it to change its connection condition and restore its normal contact. Wiring and Connector Short Circuit Faults Wiring and connector faults may also be caused by a short circuit between the harness and the body (ground) or within the associated switch. Before inspection, check whether the wire connector on the vehicle body is fixed firmly, and then test according to the following steps. (1) Check the continuity of the wire. First, remove the wire connectors on both sides of the control computer ECU and the sensor, and then measure the resistance between the corresponding terminals of the connector. If the resistance value is not greater than 1 ohm, it indicates that the wire is normal for further inspection. When measuring the wire resistance, it is better to gently shake the wire in both vertical and horizontal directions to improve the accuracy of measurement. At the same time, it should be noted that for most wire connectors, the multimeter rod should be inserted from the rear end of the connector, but for the waterproof connector rod with waterproof sleeve, it can not be inserted from the rear end, because the terminal will be deformed if it is inserted carelessly. (2) Check the resistance value of short circuit. First, remove the control computer ECU and the wire connectors on both sides of the sensor, and then measure the resistance value between the terminals of the connectors on both sides and the vehicle body. During measurement, one end of the meter rod shall be grounded to the vehicle body, and the other end shall be measured on the wire connectors on both sides. If the resistance value is greater than 1 ohm, it indicates that there is no short circuit between the wire and the vehicle body. Check the appearance and contact pressure of the connector. First, remove each conductor connector one by one, check whether there is rust or dirt on the connector terminal, and clean up the rust and dirt. Then check whether the terminal plate is loose or damaged, whether the terminal is fixed firmly, and whether the terminal is loose when it is pulled gently. On the other hand, if the plug terminal in one of the socket holes is pulled out more easily than the other socket holes, the socket hole may cause a failure of poor contact in use. Precautions for inspection (1) The connector must be inspected when the ignition lock is closed, otherwise the relevant parts will be burned out due to self-induction. (2) When removing the conductor connector, pay attention to loosen the locking spring or press the lock catch. Do not pull it by force. When reassembling, insert the connector to the end and lock it.


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