Categorization:Brand Connector
Oupiin|Oupiin Connectors|Taiwan Oupin Electronics 9001 Series IDC Type, High Pin Count Connector is a: BACKPLANE connector. The main features of the connector are: Compatible to industry standard IEC60603-2; Offers at Lever I II and III performance; DIN 41612 High Pin Count.
1, Oupiin|Oupiin Connectors|Taiwan Oupin Electronics 9001 Series IDC Type,High Pin Count Connector Product Specification and Part Number/Model Number Details:
9001-1264IDC | 9001-1632IDC | 9001-3264IDC | 9001-3632IDC |
9001-11150 | 9001-13 | 9001-13150 | 9001-14150 |
9001-A14 | 9001-73 | 9001-74 | 9001-8296 |
2、Oupiin|Oupiin Connectors|Taiwan Oupin Electronics 9001 Series IDC Type,High Pin Count Connector Main Part Number/Model Number List:
9001-1264IDC | 9001-1632IDC | 9001-3264IDC | 9001-3632IDC | 9001-8296 |
9001-11150 | 9001-13 | 9001-13150 | 9001-14150 | 9001-74 |
9001-A14 | 9001-73 |
3、Taiwan Oupiin Connectors--Oupiin|Taiwan Oupin Electronics 9001 Series IDC Type,High Pin Count Connector This product seller:
Agency sales [Japan Taiwan Oupiin connectors - Oupiin | Taiwan Oupin Electronics 9001 series IDC Type, High Pin Count connectors] and the contents of the second item in the table list of all (material number / model number) connector products; if you want to buy or understand what we can provide connector | harness | cable product solutions, welcome through the following If you want to purchase or know what connectors, harnesses or cables we can provide, please feel free to contact us through the following ways.