
Connectors for PCBs-Provide DDK|NIPPON ELECTRONICS DK-3000 Series Mating Connectors for PCBs

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Specializing in the sales of: Connectors | Wire Harness | Cable Products
DDK|DDK Connectors|NIPPON ELECTRONICS DK-3000 series connectors for mating wires and substrates are developed for use with industrial equipment signals. There are various types of connectors for connecting mating wires and mating wire substrates. In addition, it is easy to connect the wires by pressing the wires to install the substrate type and dip soldering. The sound of the locking bracket can be heard when the connector is attached to the machine.


The general specifications for the electrical performance of this series of products are:
(data) itemDK-3100DK-3200DK-3500
rated voltageAC250V(r.m.s)AC600V(r.m.s)
withstand voltageAC1,500V(r.m.s)/1min.AC2,200V(r.m.s)/1min.
electrical insulation resistance1,000 MΩ or more at 500 VDC
contact resistance10mΩ or less
Operating temperature range-55℃~105℃
Center pin spacing3.81mm5.08mm

1, DDK | DDK Connectors | Nihon Electronics DK-3000 Series Mating Wire Substrate Connector main product specification details:

●FA machines (robots, servo motors Others)
Medical equipment, communication equipment, OA equipment, and other electrical equipment.



2, Japan DDK | DDK connectors | Japan Electronics DK-3000 series with the wire substrate with the connector main material number / model number:

DK-3100S-03RX DK-3100S-04HXDK-3100D-12PDK-3200S-02RY DK-3200S-04VY-FA
DK-3100S-04RX DK-3100S-05HXDK-3100D-16P DK-3200S-03RY DK-3200S-05VY-FA
DK-3100S-05RXDK-3100S-06HXDK-3100D-20PDK-3200S-04RY DK-3200S-06VY-FA
DK-3100S-06RX DK-3100S-08HXDK-3100D-06F DK-3200S-05RY DK-3500D-02R
DK-3100S-08RX DK-3100S-10HXDK-3100D-10F DK-3200S-06RYDK-3500D-04R
DK-3100S-10RX DK-3100S-03VYDK-3100D-12F DK-3200S-02PXDK-3500D-06R
DK-3100S-03PYDK-3100S-04VYDK-3100D-16F DK-3200S-03PX DK-3500D-10R
DK-3100S-05PYDK-3100S-06VYDK-3100D-06H-FA DK-3200S-02FYDK-3500D-20R
DK-3100S-06PYDK-3100S-08VYDK-3100D-10H-FA DK-3200S-03FYDK-3500D-12P
DK-3100S-08PYDK-3100S-10VYDK-3100D-12H-FA DK-3200S-04FYDK-3500D-20P
DK-3100S-10PYDK-3100D-06R DK-3100D-16H-FA DK-3200S-02HX-FADK-3500D-12F
DK-3100S-03FYDK-3100D-10RDK-3100D-20H-FA DK-3200S-03HX-FADK-3500D-20F
DK-3100S-04FYDK-3100D-12RDK-3100D-06V-FA DK-3200S-04HX-FADK-3500D-12H-FA
DK-3100S-05FYDK-3100D-16R DK-3100D-10V-FA DK-3200S-05HX-FADK-3500D-20H-FA
DK-3100S-06FYDK-3100D-20RDK-3100D-12V-FA DK-3200S-06HX-FADK-3500D-12V-FA
DK-3100S-08FYDK-3100D-06P DK-3100D-16V-FA DK-3200S-02VY-FADK-3500D-20V-FA


3, Japan DDK - DDK | Japan Electronics DK-3000 series with wire substrate with connectors This product seller:

Agency sales [Japan DDK connectors - DDK | Japan's first electronic DK-3000 series with the wire substrate with connectors] as well as the contents of the second item in the table list of all (No./Model) connector products; if you want to buy or understand what we can provide connectors | wiring harness | wire and cable product solutions, welcome to contact us through the following way.